Manor Gospel Church Manor Gospel Church
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What do you REALLY Value?
Dan Renton
Dan Renton
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Sermon Notes / Misl.
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When Jesus warned us not to invest in earthly things, but rather in heavenly things, he was commanding us to abandon greed for heavenly treasure that is unseen. Today we will make a case that we can only invest here or there. We will have to choose.


  1. Welcome
  2. 1:00Welcome ( Kolton)
  3. Worship
  4. 10:00Worship 3x Songs
  5. Manor Family Time
  6. 10:00ShoeBox Testimony
  7. 2:00Tithes and Offerings (Ejvind)?
  8. 1:00Family of the Week & Missionary of the week
  9. Sermon
  10. 7:00Children's Feature (Val)
  11. 35:00Sermon Matthew 6:19-24
  12. Conclusion
  13. 0:00Benediction
  14. 3:00Closing Song